Business Sense

8 Things to Consider When Building Your Business Succession Plan

Long days. Sleepless nights. Laughter and tears. No, we’re not talking about parenthood. We’re talking about owning a business (though some might refer to their business venture as their “baby”). You’ve spent your life building and growing your business, whether you started out on your own or took over the family enterprise. And while you’ve

8 Things to Consider When Building Your Business Succession Plan Read More »

Are You Covered When an Employee Claims Harassment or Discrimination?

You probably never want to imagine a situation in which an employee, a former employee or an employment candidate sues your business for sexual harassment or discrimination (on the basis of, for example, age, sex, race or disability). Unfortunately, though, it does happen. Sexual harassment has been in the news media spotlight a lot lately,

Are You Covered When an Employee Claims Harassment or Discrimination? Read More »


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