Will a Speeding Ticket Affect My Car Insurance?

An SUV drives on a tree-lined road. In the foreground, a sign says

It’s universal: No one likes to see red and blue flashing lights in your rearview mirror. Every driver knows breaking the speed limit is against the law… but that doesn’t seem to stop us. In fact, it’s estimated that 41 million speeding tickets are issued in the United States every year.

But what are the impacts on your wallet after you pay the fine? Let’s find out how a speeding ticket might affect your auto insurance rate.

Do Speeding Tickets Increase My Auto Insurance Rate?

In short, the answer is yes. Here’s why:

  • Your driving record matters: Ultimately, what ends up on your insurance bill depends largely on what you drive and how you drive (as well as other factors). While every insurer handles things a little differently, your track record on the road will often impact your rate.
  • Consistency is key: Insurance companies have found that past performance is often an indicator of a driver’s future behavior. Recent speeding tickets, accidents or other violations will likely cause your auto insurance rate to be higher compared to rates for drivers with spotless driving records.

Have questions about your rates? We’ve got you. Every ERIE policy comes with your very own local agent to help you understand how your coverage works and what you’re paying for – so don’t be shy to reach out.

Read our related article about what determines the price of your auto insurance.

What if It’s My First Violation?

Maybe you’re not a habitual speeder; you just missed the reduced speed limit sign and made an honest mistake. Will your otherwise clean driving record make a difference?

  • Your first violation might still count. While the exact answer will depend on your insurer, you’ll likely see some impact to your auto insurance bill, even if it was your first offense.
  • You could see an impact on future discounts. Most insurance companies offer some type of safe driving discount for policyholders with no claims or violations on their record. (Ask a local ERIE agent about our Claims and Violation Free Discount1.) Generally speaking: Even if your actual rate doesn’t increase much (or at all), the loss of a discount can still lead to a higher monthly payment.

Looking for ways to save? Talk to your local ERIE agent about available auto insurance discounts, or read our guide to finding good, cheap auto insurance.

What if I Get a Ticket Outside of My Home State?

Decades ago, you may have been able to receive a ticket in another state without your home state finding out. But today, most states share traffic data. So that violation will likely appear on your in-state motor vehicle record. That means out-of-state tickets can still impact your premium regardless of where they occur.

Will Multiple Tickets Raise My Rate More?

As a general rule, insurance companies determine auto policy rates by assessing how risky a driver is to insure. So the more violations, or points, you have on your driving record, the more you can likely expect to pay in premiums.

Also: Your insurance company can cancel or decide not to renew your policy following a more serious violation, such as a suspended or revoked license. Learn more about cancellation and nonrenewal from the Insurance Information Institute, or talk to your local ERIE agent if you have questions about your specific policy.

How Often Does My Insurance Company Check My Driving Record?

Again, the answer here depends on your insurance company and your unique situation.

  • Getting a new policy: If you’re applying for a new auto policy, you can pretty much guarantee the insurer will check your driving record.
  • Renewing an existing policy: For policy renewals, the average is every 6 to 12 months, depending on your insurer and policy, so your experience may vary.

Drive Safe and Earn Rewards with the YourTurn® App

Unsafe driving behaviors impact more than just your auto insurance rate. You’re also putting yourself and other travelers at risk for accidents and injury.

If you’re looking to improve your safety behind the wheel, ERIE’s YourTurn® driving safety app can help.2

By measuring certain criteria such as speeding, hard braking and phone usage, the YourTurn program helps to make drivers of all ages more aware of their driving behaviors and identifies areas for improvement. You can even earn some great rewards in the process!3

Contact your local ERIE agent today to learn more or to sign up for the YourTurn program.4 If you choose to join the program, you’ll receive a YourTurn® welcome text and instructions for getting started.

1 ERIE offers Claims and Violations Free Discount for applicants and existing customers that meet certain eligibility criteria.

2 YourTurn® is not available in all states. As of March 2021, the program is available to policyholders in IL, IN, MD, OH, PA, TN, VA, WI and WV.

3 Ages 16–23 can earn rewards up to $10 every two weeks, ages 24+ can earn rewards up to $5 every two weeks. Rewards are based on the participating driver’s score during the scoring period while driving 50 tracked miles. Indiana participants can earn up to $5 every two weeks. Rewards are distributed through the YourTurn app via electronic gift cards.4 The YourTurn app requires participants to be a licensed driver on the ERIE auto policy and have a valid email address, smartphone number and data plan to download and activate the YourTurn app. Users must agree to the terms and conditions of the YourTurn® app.


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