Home Security Solutions for Travel: Keeping Your Property Safe While You’re Away

When you’re away on a family trip, the last thing you want to worry about is what’s happening at home. That’s why taking the proper precautions to keep your home and property safe when you’re traveling is essential. Here are seven affordable ways to ensure your property is secure when you’re away from home.

1. Have a friend or relative house-sit

If you’re going to be gone for several days or weeks, ask a trusted friend or family member to stay there while you’re away or to drop in when they can. This can set your mind at ease that someone will be there to make you aware of any issue.

Ask them to grab your mail regularly so any bad actors won’t have any reason to think you aren’t home. Whether you have a garage or not, ask them to park in front of the house or in the driveway so it’s clear someone is regularly at the house.

2. Install smart lights or timers

A house that’s dark all night long is an easy-to-spot signal to criminals that no one’s home. However, you also don’t want to leave your lights on the entire time you’re gone since this can run up your electricity bill and be nearly as obvious.

Instead, buy smart light bulbs, fixtures, outlets, or a light timer to give yourself more control over your lighting while you’re away. Many smart bulbs let you set routines that turn them on at a particular time. They will also often allow you to turn lights on and off remotely, no matter where you are.

Light timers also work well to ensure indoor and outdoor lights come on when you want them to. Time them so they go on around the same time you’d typically flick them on during the day and off when you’d go to bed. If you usually turn a porch light on, schedule the light to go on at night.

Even if you’re not in your forever home and you decide to sell your house down the line, adding safety features like these can help you stay safe while you live there and may increase your home’s value.

3. Add a DIY security system

Installing a traditional or full-service security system may not be in your budget, but you can install security features that use your WiFi to offer you peace of mind when you’re away.

Consider installing a wired or wireless doorbell camera and one or two outdoor cameras near any doors. You can also install cameras in entry areas and any other rooms you’d like to secure. Sometimes, the presence of a camera alone is enough to deter criminals.

If you’re worried about first-floor windows, you can even install alarms on the window panes to let you know if any are opened while you’re away. As a bonus, even DIY home alarm systems can help boost your property value if you decide to move or sell your home in the future.

4. Ask a neighbor to park in your driveway

If no one is watching your home, you can always see if a neighbor would be willing to park in your driveway while you’re away. Like a prominently visible camera, having a car outside of your house can be enough to drive criminals away when you’re not there. In exchange, offer to do the same for them when they’re away.

Of course, if you’re not taking your car on vacation, you can also leave your vehicle in the driveway. Just make sure it’s locked and that there are no valuables inside.

Note: If you live in an area that’s considered dangerous or if car break-ins or thefts are common in your neighborhood, it may be safer not to keep a vehicle in the open.

5. Have someone pick up your packages

Ideally, try not to have anything delivered while you’re away. But if you know something is coming, have it delivered to the post office or held at UPS or FedEx. If those aren’t options, ask a neighbor or friend to swing by and pick it up. A package sitting outside for days is ripe for being stolen — plus, it’s a sign to criminals that no one is home.

6. Don’t leave spare keys outside

If you have a key under your doormat or under a rock on your porch, be sure to remove it when you’re gone. If someone is stopping by, deliver the key in person to avoid having it fall into unwanted hands.

7. Lock your garage and fence

Before you go away, make sure you secure all doors, including your garage and fencing. Add a lock to your fence to secure it while you’re gone, and make sure there are no easy ways to get into your garage — especially if it’s connected to your house.

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