Sign up here for our white paper on ACA alternatives

Health Sharing Ministries
Health Sharing Ministries are a Biblical, affordable alternative to individual or family health insurance.
Our preferred sharing ministry partner is a financially sound option that only shares in medical bills that are in line with Christian religious beliefs.
Sharing Ministries are not insurance. While these ministries are substantially cheaper than ACA Exchange plans, they are not a fit for all families. See our white paper to learn whether this option is a good fit for your family or click below to see prices.

Short Term Medical Insurance
Short term medical insurance (STM) is a viable option for up to 360 days of coverage in most states. Four 90 day coverage plans can be purchased with one application. This plan is medically underwritten, has limited benefits and is not ACA compliant. It is also substantially cheaper than ACA exchange premiums, before tax credits are applied.
Download our white paper to see if this is a good fit for your family, or you can see prices for your family very quickly and easilly by clicking below. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.